Last Christmas I received a Barnes and Noble giftcard and with that I picked up this great book: Photojojo!:Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas . I love, love this book. One of their projects is creating magnetic picture frames that look like plaques. All you need is some magnetic paper and the Contact Paper that looks like wood grain. They had a fridge full and it looked really great. I made a couple of basic plaque looking frames, but then experimented with some other borders.
The circle with the picture in it was made with wrapping paper. I finally found a project to use some of my wrapping paper collection! I plan on making some more for the holidays with my vast amount of Christmas paper.
This frame was made with an old roll of Contact Paper I had found at a thrift store. It's a bit ugly, but I couldn't help but buy it. There is so much potential for future projects with it. It's not really my style, but I still like how it turned out.