This was a simple project, once I found the shadow boxes I wanted. I couldn't find any I liked until a couple of weeks ago while in Fargo. I wish we had a Michaels. I found everything on my list of things that I can't find around here.
I have a collection of at least 15 varsity letters. I have a few placed among my sports collection, but I wanted to be able to display some as wall art. I picked the best letters from my collection that also have pins on them.
I copied different backgrounds for each letter onto cardstock. This background is from an old sporting goods catalog.
I usually don't spend a lot on the letters, but this "M" cost about $20. There are a lot of neat pins on this one including a ND state tournament pin. One of the round pins say '63. For this one I copied the scorecard from a Tigers/Yankees game in a program I have. Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra and Al Kaline all played in that game. That would have been amazing to see.
I also have a lot of college football programs.I have many framed on another wall, but many more are in a drawer. I found a roster in one and used that as the background for this one.